Someone that I respect and have fond thoughts of said this to me "cakap bila perlu aje, if it's not necessary to say anything, don't say a word". This appears to be a caution. An advice. A working tool.Or just plain COMMON SENSE. Well, these words of advise came from my former boss, infact my first boss in the service. And the advise was given to me about a couple of weeks ago masa I jumpa dia kat conference. I am currently attached to the same Ministry he was formerly from.
So, it appears to be....jangan buka mulut kalau tak perlu. I dont mind the part of not saying anything kalau it's not important or necessary...masalahnye sekarang ialah, kalau tak buka pun susah and bila tak nak bukak, kena menjawab pulak. Hmm, not a win-win situation eh! Am not comfortable yet without the working environment.Maybe because their main core of business is just not my cup of tea. Although the legal aspect is very interesting.
Am always wondering whether I should be watching my back all the time or just let down a bit on my insecurities. I can be quite paranoid with a capital P.
All I can say at the moment, is that I am exhausted with the current pace. I know that time of essence...but I would like to plead "one at a time , please". I have a lot on my plate at the moment. But then what's life without some colours. It cant be black or white with shades of greys in between.
At the moment, no monkey business for me eh!
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