Friday, February 19, 2010


Maybe it's just plain tiredness, maybe my period is due soon, maybe its just plain clash of personalities, maybe napoleon needs to start a fight, maybe its just another lesson to be learned, maybe its just another endless story to tell.Maybe.

I am trying to be a better person spiritually...trying to take everything in stride...trying to make lemonades out of lemons, trying to be a good Muslim, trying to be contended with what life has to offer. To be humble with what Allah swt has for me. Trying.

Today,I had a clash of opinions with a person I called Napoleon..Little N. Geram sangat-sangat.He went "blah...blah...blah", bercakap tak pandang kiri kanan...pakai redah aje, my ears was so sore. Surprisingly, although I was so annoyed with Little N,even though my hands were shaking as I was speaking...nevertheless, I spoke in a polite and sweet manner (bukan puji tapi the truth, hahaha). I didnt raise my voice..although Little N was so very rude...I realised that while the words were coming out of my mouth...I wanted to be dignified...I didnt want to stoop to his level.He is short anyway (oops!sorry!)Dah lah tu. Closure. I dah lepas perasaan kat lil sis tadi. Tak nak waste my time and energy writing about it.Let this end abruptly. Enough.I am NOT going to let Little N occupies a part of this beautiful mind.Hahaha.

Let me see....
There is something to look forward going to be a grandma..the first cucu for the Omarians..walaupun technically dah ada cucu on Zubir's side..but its not the same.Should I be called Tok Chik..because I am supposed to be mak cik but ended as Cippa@Cikpa.Or maybe Nana Cik...Nana Cikpa..nanna...or plain TOK.Maybe lepas tengok Ali Junior, it will come naturally.
Athira and Sofia will be I love babies...maybe Aisyah and Ali will let me babysit once awhile...


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