Sunday, October 18, 2009


Had a marathon session of Grey's Anatomy.Sofia must have been annoyed with me, she peed once on the bedroom floor and the other on the bed.Cant be mad with her...mama was too engrossed with GA.Kakak was not much of a help...she cried bila told her to sleep in her room. Me, I was not oblivious to my surroundings but was just eager to have some ME TIME. After all, my mind nearly went kaput during the weekdays and I was looking really forward for the weekends.Anyway I took them to watch a movie this morning...something about cloudy...with meatballs. I tak ingat title...but the movie was FUN. And because nak tengok movie, mak is with kak now.Mak's condition is not looking too good...its quite bad...Athira is quite scared of her Tok now.I did not realise that she has been confiding with her Ayah...maybe cos she does not want to upset me.Cant really register in mind what mak is going through now...all I know that I nearly had a panic attack on Monday on the way home...I was SO AFRAID that I was going to fall asleep at the wheels, I was really trying hard to keep my eyes open...pinched the cheeks, slap the face...letak minyak angin kat temple...kat hidung...rasa kepala ringan macam nak melayang.Maybe I exerted myself on the first day balik ke kerja.At the back of my mind was I hearing myself telling myself to keep awake. The vertigo kept me company this week, but its getting better, told myself to ignore small episodes of giddiness. Dr. H said it might last for three weeks, well, am in third week now, so when is it going to stop completely for a start.On Wednesday ke Thursday, tak ingat had to call Zubir while driving just to keep me awake. The whole week was quite an adventure..workwise, jangan tanya, macam-macam hal..rasa macam my unit ni asyik kena refer bila ada problem aje..sebelum buat tak berapa nak dengar, lepas to come running with their tail in between the legs for help. Hmm, ...anyway, Saturday was crawling too slowly to me, the weekdays was just not fast enough....and now Sunday will be over too soon.

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