Monday, July 26, 2010



Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another episode of madness

After five days of topsy turvy life which began with an important call on I am at home..on mc..penat. Day one, Saturday..with my staff going through files of documents,perusing,trying to understand accounting terms, business reports..which were way off my senja..mata tak larat,told them to balik..felt bad that they had to work with me on a saturday.,balik kerja...pi Giant beli stuff untuk party with hubby(thanks abang).

Day two, Sunday..Sofia and Farhan's birthday party...I didnt do much cooking except for frying bee hoon..and sandwishes..the rest of the menu was just instant food..huhu..not too happy about it, had planned for a menu of pulut kuning, chicken curry, popiah, baked macaroni...but ended up with karipap, puding disappointed with myself..anyway, I always enjoy having my sisters with that lessen the disappointment. What was important, Sofia had a lovely time. Malam tu pulun buat kerja till 4am.

Day three, Monday.. left for office by 6.30am...had to complete the report before mengadap boss at C..believe it of not, the report that kept me awake the whole nite, when missing..bila sambung kat my desk top, for what ever reasons, after tekan when missing,could not trace it..alhamdullilah I brought my lap top with me..and thank goodness I had the sense to save on my lap top's desk off I went to see my Head...discussion lasted till noon, went to my office to gather some more information, went back after lunch for further discussions and tuning of the report with my Deputy which lasted till 10pm. Bila nak balik I realised, tayar pancit..drove to the nearest petrol station..two good samaritans tried to help..but could not unscrew the last bolt..had to call tow truck..which by the way came on at 1am+ ...had to tow the car back to SB...sampai rumah dah pukul 2 pagi lebih...dragging my big black bag..and tried to have a decent conversation with the cina tow truck on the long and cold journey home..while in head figuring out whether I still have the energy to prepare my lecture notes for the next was already the next day..huhu, anyway hubby was waiting patiently kat rumah. Kesian dia..was too tired to eat, cleaned myself up and crawled to bed.Dalam kepala, sempat ke buat lecture notes?

Day four, up..cepatnye the alarm went off...did my the drafted RUU, hubby attended to my car...he had to take half day off ...he went to cari mechanic, it seems kena patahkan the bolt...he called a to Putrajaya..sampai I went Bagan Lalang for a day of lecture with the office's car. Lecture was in two sessions..morning and afternoon.Took panadol after lunch.

Alas, while I was finishing my lecture at 5.30pm, received a call fom my Head..minta I pi ke C at P'jaya...huhu..explained that it might take me an hour to be my mind, ya allah..macam mana ni, how am I going to go back lepas jumpa long will the discussion last?..dah lah tak ada kereta ni...kalau habis malam, macam ni...I mean I can minta the office car to sent me to C..tapi macam mana nak balik...huhuhu...the documents and report was at home.Thank goodness she changed her mind and asked me to make the amendments to my report and email to her later that night.

So, bila balik rumah another episode began, mengadap my computer, forcing hubby to help me with the amendments..I need that extra mind was so, so tired.. after finishing my amendments..and emailing the report, there were series of smses with official mail buat last sampai after the third attempt berjaya..dah tertidur..boss called with instructions to mengadap early in morning.

Day five...further lunch..head spinning..more work..was at C the whole day...was feeling so lousy...waited to be called by NO.1...Alhamdullilah..bos did the briefing...balik ke office....could not function, dragged myself home.

So, am at home today..trying to rest...but my day started with smses and calls from office..received an SOS call, No.1..nak buat further amendments...arggh..after some frantic calls..alhamdullilah, managed to pull it off without my presence in C...thanks to my Deputy Head.

As a I said to my deputy yesterday.."Puan, I always have grey clouds over my head. Things will always go wrong" .But I realised that statement might not be so true cos the tayar pancit incident was a blessing from Allah..hubby said when the mechanic managed to remove the tyre selepas dipecahkan bolt, it was in bad condition..dah syukur alhamdullilah, it did not burst while I was driving...that night also make me realised that there are still kind gentlemen out there willing to help a lady in distress..En. Razali waited with me till the tow truck arrived and asked me to be careful, he asked for my hand phone number and called me up yesterday, just to check whether I was okay (he was the first person to help me from 10pm+)...En. Shamsul (which I later realised was my junior in service and at Uni) kept me company with En. Razali till I shooed him off at 12am..he was at the petrol station with his wife and kids, helped me, later sent them back, then returned with more tools to help to my bosses at C..they have helped and guided me..I know, thats the not the end of the matter..infact I can forsee more to come from that report...

As, my kak chick had said to me after my sesi luahan sms this morning, I have 2 lovely girls and a loving husband..I need to focus on them..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Boo hoo

I accidentally tukar (boleh ke accidentally?), actually yup...I thought I was just testing/ previewing the templates..but OMG..I couldn't retrack to my old design..I don't really mind the new design but unfortunately there were some items that went missing..huhu. Anyway, today's boo hoo is actually, hubby and my little Sofia.

Lepa ni tengah tidur tak ingat dunia...I tried to sleep for the past 1 and an half hour..lying still with my eyes shut trying to fall asleep tapi tak boleh. It is such a boo hoo with these two senang aje letak kepala and tidur. Boo hoo.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Sometimes, the only way to get through life is to have lots of humour.. see life through a rose coloured tinted what ever that works for for me..when I get upsets in a meeting, I would silently say a few naughty things to myself..something to lessen the impact..something to make it lighter.The best part is that you might be cursing the chairman in your mind and he doesnt know about it..or I would look at that person..and say this to myself.." dont know what I think of you". It may sound childish, but what the heck..its your can be silly and stupid..but its fun. You may pretend to be serious..but you are cracking up inside. Aahh..thats the beauty of having some humour.Lalalala