Friday, November 26, 2010

Not music to the ears

My conversation with an officer at M late in the evening, " Eh, Puan..ada lagi ke?". Ya Allah. The response was " Ya lah, kalau tak ada, saya tak jawab telefon". Duh!

My next conversation with a friend from HQ while driving back " I thought you called me up to tell me some good news..".

"Wei, I dont have any good news and I need some for myself, by the way, kalau I merana kat sini, I want my friends to share the same feelings" she said.

Hmm..I guess the grass is never greener no matter where you are.

Another piece of conversation two days ago with an idiotic person " So, bila puan boleh bagi ulasan puan..saya nak cepat ni". (He had been calling persistently in a kerek manner for the past 2 days, asking this and that..) So, my reply was " En. F...saya baru terima memo En. F..pagi ni, saya ada berbelas agreement atas meja saya ni (over pulak tu..) saya bukan buat kerja En F saja..saya akan jawab lepas waktu lunch".

The morale of this entry is- you cant pick and choose your conversations or the person you speak with.Period.

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