Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hmm....I tak nak jawab...

Since I am on mc till Monday, I had a lot time on my hands, I watched Asmaradana episode 1 till 14 and continued till episode 24 this afternoon.I was also busy interacting on the FB, I was in a very good mood since Remy accepted me as his friend on FB. Woo Hoo, this when on till (the mood)evening...maybe I was pumped up with too much steroids..the medications must have got the better of me..or what ever...What I want to relate is the telenovela episode with hubby.

Imagine this..the scene was set in the late evening, hubby just got back from work. He looked tired and stressed he sat on his favourite chair at the door..looking so drained..I stroked his face..and said "you looked so stressed, office okay ke? What happened at office?"..he replied "ok..biasalah" I continued stroking his face and said this "abang, when you look at me, what do you see?"..he replied.."I see you".

Then I said " well, when I looked at you, I see the man I love". He didn't expect that response from me..he was quite taken aback..if only I could describe his looks..macam terkejut but yet pleased. Tu lah, kalau ni telenovela..there would the lagu iringan at the background..yunoo the soft sentimental song..ala-ala Nur Kasih.The next scene would be this, the hero would lovingly ambik tangan heroin and bring it to his lips....then the scene be continued in the next episode. Hehehe...apalah hubby ni tak boleh jadi romantic sikit...he just looked at me...Mesti hubby ingat..what's up with the wife ..Wife buat macam ni, dah suspense..I chuckled and had a good laugh later. Tu lah Hubby...tak ada ala-ala Adam Hassan langsung.Macam mana wife tak angau tengok Adam Hassan, Asp Kamal, Mat Bunga....hmm..siapa nak jawab ni.


wahwo said...


Missing Cat said...

hehehehe...kak wan, u're too overacting can u expect ur husband to be like adam hassan...??? dlm tv mmg la mcm tu...realiti tak dapek la kan....kekekeke...whoaaatt...??? kak wan add remy dlm fb...??? wah...semakin maju nmpknyer...btl2 stalker nih...kekekekeke...

cippa said...

Ya him there!
Farah, saja aje, seronok jugak menyakat suami ni..teringin nak jugak nak jadi ala-ala telenovela ni..tapi response terlari 360 darjah..hahaha..tak ape la kalau bukan Adam Hassan tapi suara suami kak wan over the phone tu boleh tahan jugak..boleh buat cair jugak..tu yang tersangkut..asyik bergayut telefon dulu masa zaman bercinta sakan. Heheh..ish..Farah, bukan stalker lah..tapi peminat setia..hahaha

MamaTiaMia said...

auntie ufaaa..nanti kita cubit montot..gatal2 ye:) he..heee