Monday, January 3, 2011

Promise, Accept, Change

Its the 3rd of January 2011 today. I have made some new year resolutions, some are promises to myself that I have made during the year of 2010 and some are just repeated resolutions. One that I am trying hard to keep is losing the loads of extra weights. Another that is close to my heart is to speak less. I am trying hard to speak less. I believe verbosity is a vice and a burden. Sometimes an intention will be read or heard in negative manner. I have had enough of trying to understand people. I have had enough of leasing parts of my mind, worrying about others...then to be hurt in returned. Enough is Enough.
Nevertheless, I will listen more of my girls. Hubby and my girls would be my priority.
So do not expect an answer to every questions, not all quips will be may appear that I have distanced myself from others, but that is so far from the truth... the truth is, its the only way to stop any alienation of feelings. The beauty of life is that it is full of contradictions.

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